Counterfeit Merchandise Defense in New York City
NYC White Collar Crime Attorney
Are you the subject of an investigation concerning the selling or trafficking of counterfeit merchandise? If so, you would be wise to employ the services of a New York City criminal attorney at our offices. Getting legal counsel involved at the investigation phase can prevent much worse circumstances from rolling out. We are experienced in dealing with this unique aspect of the law.
We have helped many greatly improve the outcome of a criminal investigation or criminal charges. In times of economic stress, counterfeit goods tend to become more sought after and sold. With a recent increase in focus on counterfeiting and piracy by law enforcement, the total number of seizures of counterfeit goods and merchandise rose an astounding 34% in 2010. Don't wait "to see if" charges get filed. Take action to try and prevent it.
Accused of Selling Fake Products? Call (646) 770-0989.
At H. Benjamin Perez & Associates, P.C., we have devoted ourselves to creating the best possible outcome for our clients; no matter what the circumstances of their case are. Our NYC white collar crime lawyers will search for any possible faults in any case brought against you and use that to strike for an acquittal or to get the charges dropped.
No two cases are ever the same so there is no one answer to the question, "What should I do?" We will review all of the information available; we will examine all evidence being put forth. Only after thorough review can we say what the best course of action is for you to follow.
We believe in your rights and we are knowledgeable and relentless in defending them. Contact us today to begin reviewing your case.