New York City Petit Larceny Attorney
What Is the Definition of Petit Larceny in NY?
Larceny, or theft, has many degrees in terms of seriousness of the crime and harshness of the penalties assigned if convicted. The words petit, grand and larceny all come from French words and they mean, respectively, small, big and theft. Petit larceny refers to the taking of property which does not belong to you and which you do not intend to return.
The property taken in petit larceny is valued at less than $1,000. Certain items, such as firearms, even when valued under $1,000, are classified under grand larceny. There are different degrees of grand larceny and penalties range anywhere from one to twelve years imprisonment. Petit larceny crimes are misdemeanors and a conviction could result in up to a year in jail.
Criminal Defense Lawyer in NYC
We have heard many times a reference to petit larceny as a "lesser" theft crime. It is. However, regardless of the severity of the crime, any criminal conviction on your record is likely to have negative effects on your future. It can affect employment and educational opportunities.
It can damage reputation and cause embarrassing situations. It can affect your ability to get certain insurance and/or licenses. A skilled NYC criminal attorney can possibly get the charges completely dropped so that there is nothing on your record. Find out what can be done for you.