DMV Refusal Lawyer Serving New York City
DMV Refusal Hearings in New York City
Need an attorney for a DMV refusal hearing in NYC? Refusing to give a breath, blood or urine sample to a police officer will result in a temporary suspension of your driver's license. You will be given a date for a DMV hearing where the elements of your arrest will be investigated.
This refusal hearing is an administrative hearing that happens at the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles. Our DUI defense attorney has a winning streak for these administrative hearings and can help level the playing field in your case.
Now is the time to hire an aggressive criminal defense attorney who will challenge every aspect of your arrest. H. Benjamin Perez & Associates, P.C. has extensive trial and litigation experience in DUI defense. The DMV Refusal Hearing is a critical issue, and demands the highest quality legal representation if you hope to retain your legal right to drive.
DMV Refusal Defense Attorney
This is not the criminal case against you; it is an administrative hearing to determine if you will lose your driving privileges. There are four elements of your arrest that will be investigated at a DMV Refusal Hearing. First, was there probable cause to stop you? This usually involves a traffic violation, a mechanical violation such as a missing taillight, or the officer's assertion that you were driving erratically.
Second, was there probable cause to suspect you were driving while impaired? Third, did the officer clearly and legally warn you of the consequences of refusing to take a breath test? Finally, did you willfully and knowingly refuse the chemical test?
Searching for an Attorney for a DMV Refusal Case in New York City?
Our law firm has handled hundreds of DMV hearings and knows how to challenge these points in great detail. The hearing is an excellent time in which to cross examine the arresting officer and get further details in the case. You will not have to testify, so we will be at an advantage at the hearing and will be able to use anything the officer says to defend your criminal charges.
Waste no time in retaining a top rated criminal defense attorney to defend you at the DMV hearing. We have payment options that can help you with your legal defense so don't let finances influence this crucial need for a powerful defense of your rights.
This is a complex process requiring the skill of an attorney familiar with the process. Contact us to arrange a free case evaluation.