Making Modifications to a Custody Arrangement
Guidance from Our New York City Divorce Attorney
Life will change in many ways in the months and years after your divorce, both for you and your former spouse. Some of these changes may require you to get a legal modification to the child custody arrangement you made in your divorce settlement. It isn't enough for you and your ex-spouse to make a new agreement.
Legally, you have to get a judge's approval for any alterations you make to the original court order. Otherwise you can be held in contempt of court. Further, if the other parent breaks the agreement, you won't be able to get the support of the legal system to enforce it.
Guidance from Our Experienced Family Law Attorney
You can come to H. Benjamin Perez & Associates, P.C. for a review of your situation and to determine the best approach for obtaining a modification. Your petition must be carefully prepared and drafted in such a way as to convince the judge to approve.
We can also help you in case you encounter resistance from you former spouse. You got a divorce so that you would no longer have to argue over disagreements with the other parent, and we will represent you and speak on your behalf when necessary.
Do you need to change your child custody plan?
One of the most common reasons for seeking a child custody modification is when you need to make a relocation for work or to be closer to family. If you have sole custody, the other parent can challenge your move in court, and if you want to retain custody you may have to stay where you are unless you can secure a modification.
This type of action is also useful after enforcing child custody has failed. If changes to your schedule have made it impossible for you to maintain the current custody arrangement, you can petition for a modification, to preserve your time with your children without infringing on your ex-spouse's allotted time.
Whatever type of change you need to make, get the help of a New York City divorce lawyer to win the approval of the court before you act. Searching for an attorney for your child custody case in New York City? You need to retain the top family attorney in New York City.
Contact our firm to speak with a NYC divorce attorney when you need to get a legal modification of any kind to a child custody order.