NYC Fathers’ Rights Attorney
What Rights Does a Father Have During a Divorce?
It is important to know that a father has all the same rights as a mother in a divorce, inherited by the laws of New York State and the Constitution. He does not need to earn them or fight for them in anyway. Until a court decision has been made regarding the divorce, or a custody agreement has been signed by both parties, a father has not lost any legal rights. If you feel your rights are being violated, you need to contact an experienced attorney at H. Benjamin Perez & Associates, P.C.
Violations of Your Rights as a Father
It is unfortunately common to find that a father may retreat from a custody battle in fear of a ‘gender bias’ in the courtroom that may or may not exist. Taking a backseat to parenting during this time may make the father appear absent or distracted, which could potentially harm the chances of winning a custody battle! Stand your ground and know your rights.
Some basic rights that are often violated are a father’s right to:
- Be with the children - If your spouse has separated you from any of your children, this is a violation of your Constitutional rights.
- Emergency notifications - If your child has suffered an injury or illness and you were not notified within an acceptable amount of time, your rights as a father have been ignored.
- Speak with his children - If you have been denied contact, by any means, with your children, a violation may have occurred.
- Attend extracurricular events - If you feel you have been denied seeing your child during special activities, such as school plays or sports games, this is a violation.
Find Your Voice Now – Seek Our Professional Counsel
Most divorce cases never even make it to the court room, both parties having decided in favor of the mother. It does not have to end this way! If you feel you are the correct choice of custodial parent, especially if your rights as a father have been violated, you need a NYC divorce attorney with compassion and experience!
Dial (646) 770-0989 and speak to us at H. Benjamin Perez & Associates, P.C. to schedule a consultation. We want to help you! Don't lose another day with your children to worry and hesitation.