New York City Shoplifting Defense Lawyer
Understanding Penalties for Retail Theft in NYC
Shoplifting typically falls under the category of petit larceny. It specifically refers to stealing merchandise from a shop or store. It is a misdemeanor offense as long as the value of the merchandise is less than $1,000. When it is valued at $1,000 or more, such as jewelry or electronic components, it becomes grand larceny and the penalties are significantly more. Jail time up to a year is the penalty for the shoplifting as petit larceny and prison time up to 12 years for grand larceny.
Shoplifting will go on your record and can negatively impact employment opportunities as well as other things. You do not want this on your record. We have handled many shoplifting cases in our experience as criminal lawyers. We've seen situations where a person unconsciously walked out of a store without paying for something and was charged with shoplifting. It happens.
Factually, if the prosecution can show willful concealment of the item and intent to deprive the owner of the item or payment, you can be charged with shoplifting without ever leaving the store. A skilled New York City criminal attorney can help. It is often possible to get charges dropped completely or penalties reduced.
High-Quality Defense for Shoplifting Charges
We have been practicing criminal defense law in the five boroughs of New York City for years. We have a proven record of results and we enjoy helping people when they are experiencing difficult situations that seem impossible to solve. We believe strongly that a person is innocent until proven guilty. We work tirelessly to defend your constitutional rights.
The criminal justice system can be a frightening and confusing place. You don't have to face it alone. Call us today for an initial consultation!