NYC Court Order Enforcement Lawyer
Violations of Custody & Visitation Orders in New York
After filing for divorce with children involved, one parent may continuously violate the court order. This can include:
- the non-custodial parent trying to keep the children
- the non-custodial parent trying to visit the children at a time that was not designated for the parent
- the custodial parent not allowing the children to visit during the designated visiting time
In situations like this, it is extremely important to involve a New York City divorce attorney at your soonest convenience.
Our Goals Is To Protect Parental Rights
You may fear that your spouse will permanently take the children against the court's order, and it is important that you find legal representation to ensure that this does not occur. In some cases, this can be considered kidnapping and can hold very serious consequences for a non-custodial parent who has taken the children away. If this is happening to you and your family, you must immediately call the legal team at H. Benjamin Perez & Associates, P.C. for exceptional legal advice and representation.
Need an enforcer for your court orders in NYC?
As a firm focusing on family law and criminal defense, we understand that you may fear that your children's lives may be in danger. Although a court order is just a written notice of custody, support or protection order, it can only do so much to protect you and your family. Sometimes it takes the involvement of a New York divorce lawyer from a law firm with the ability to protect families in situations such as these.
In less life threatening situations, such as with child or spousal support, an individual who neglects to provide monetary support for the other could be in serious trouble. It is immediately imperative to involve a seasoned divorce attorney at this point. The legal team at our firm has extensive experience when dealing with situations such as these, and we eagerly await your call to help you out as well. Need a lawyer for your divorce in New York City? You need the help of the top divorce attorney in New York City!