Identity Theft Attorney in New York City
Need a Lawyer for an Identity Theft Case in NYC?
The theft crime referred to as identity theft has also been known as identity fraud and impersonation. In identity theft, the "thief" assumes the identity of another in order to obtain credit or credit cards, steal money from existing accounts, open new accounts in their name, rent property or apply for loans. The victims of this crime are the person whose identity and/or money have been "stolen" and also any institutions, such as banks, property owners or retailers, who were defrauded in the process.
The US Postal Inspection Service has called it the "fastest-growing crime" in America. It can involve family and friends or it can be part of organized crime and therefore may fall under the RICO Act. It can be prosecuted at any level: state, local and federal, depending on the circumstances. If you have been accused of identity theft, you will need a NYC criminal defense attorney who is knowledgeable in all jurisdictions of these laws. A skilled legal team that is on your side and has your best interests in mind at all times is the best way to proceed in the face of criminal charges.
Fighting Identity Theft Charges in NYC
Looking for an attorney for identity theft in NYC? Identity theft is classified as a type of fraud. The penalties for a conviction of identity theft can be years in prison. A lot depends on the individual circumstances of each case and the damage that was done.
No matter what the circumstances are surrounding your charges we know that you are entitled to legal representation. It is a right that you have and we urge you to exercise that right in the smartest possible way. Employ the seasoned and experienced legal team from H. Benjamin Perez & Associates, P.C.